Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hijacked from a friend

I was stuck in a canyon, and weight loss surgery was the rope lowered to me, not the helicopter sent to carry me out.  I still had to do the work to get out of the canyon - one step at a time.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Results are in!!!

My company offers annual health screenings, and I’ve always been a wuss and not participated.  Now, I’m kicking myself, because I don’t have an “on record” comparison.  But, I did go back in my Kaiser record to look up my past results.  According to the folks here today, everything is “optimal” in the blood department – and in the BMI/Body Fat %, I’m getting there J

I’m especially pleased, because I’m eating a “real food” diet, and taking “real people” vitamins – not necessarily “bariatric.”  But, that’s my life goal – to be a “real people” – in fact, a “REAL ATHLETE PEOPLE!”  J  Yes, my friends – I rock!!!!

Check it out!

Total Cholesterol – should be less than 200
Today – 148
10/23/10 – 150
5/17/09 – 149
5/17/09 -164

Triglycerides – should be less than 150
Today – 46
10/23/10 – 67
5/17/09 – 59
5/17/09 -85

HDL – should be greater than 60
Today – 68
10/23/10 – 43
5/17/09 – 48
5/17/09 – 45

LDL – should be less than 100
Today – 71
10/23/10 – 94
5/17/09 – 89
5/17/09 -102

Total Cholesteral/HDL ratio – should be less than 4
Today – 2.2
5/17/06 – 3.6

Today (taken with an electronic gizmo)
BMI – 29.8 (just high – not VERY high)
Body Fat % - 33.9 (21-33% is normal for women 20-39!!!)

Living my fit dreams - and have the blood work to show it!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!  I’ve spent the first days of the new year preparing for my upcoming race season.  But, let me back up a bit…to the end of 2011.

When I last posted, I mentioned taking six weeks off – but didn’t share why.  I was keeping things “private” until the “event” happened, but am ready to share now.  Any formerly obese patient will understand that there can be very personal sagging skin issues after massive weight loss.  Well, I had one of those “issues” – one bad enough to qualify me for “medically necessary plastic surgery.”  Though the problem was “icky” – I’m thankful that it enabled me to qualify to have a panniculectomy (~8 lbs. of sagging tummy skin removed) on December 22nd.  I’m recovering well – and TOTALLY PLEASED with the result.  This was not a cosmetic procedure (a tummy tuck would be cosmetic) – no muscles were tightened up…but the skin issue is gone, and I love my new look!  I’m READY for the events 2012 will bring!

I was very close to my 150 lb. loss pre-op, and have surpassed that during my recover period.  I’m closing in on my goal-goal weight-wise, but can TRULY say I’m at the point in my journey where I’m less weight-focused, and more active-goal-focused.  My successes at this point are truly more exciting off-scale than on.  Who’d-a-thunk?

While off, I’ve been rereading some very inspirational books that I think other wanna-be-athletes will enjoy.  Jayne Williams calls herself the “Slow Fat Triathlete,” and her first book was titled such.  The subtitle of that book is, “Live Your Athletic Dreams in the Body You Have Now.”  It’s a great jumping off point for anyone who has a dream – especially those with BIG DREAMS!  Her follow-up book is one I picked up a couple of years ago and had skimmed, but never digested.  Well, I’m so glad I got into it now – it was exactly what I needed.  “Shape Up with the Slow Fat Triathlete : 50 Ways to Kick Butt on the FIELD, in the POOL, or at the GYM – No Matter What Your Size and Shape.”  Again, as a larger-than-average athlete, Jayne understands ALL of the mental & physical issues non-traditional athletes (and wanna-bes) face.  READ her books!

For those thinking that they’ll NEVER be able to participate in endurance events, I’ll share a quote from her “Shape Up” book:
            “When I went to Albany to do a speaking gig for a women’s group, I stayed with a cheerful and wise woman named Mary Jane who had been training for months for the Pine Bush Triathlon and knew she was going to be slow. ‘Well, ‘ she said, ‘I look at it this way: triathlon is an endurance sport, so whoever comes in last wins at enduring the longest.’ And this is true. If you’re out enjoying a beautiful morning in a scenic area, what’s the rush?  The slower you are, the more you get to enjoy the experience.”

Taking my re-found inspiration from Jayne, and the foundational stuff that BariAthlete’s Lea helped me with last year, today I laid out my training and nutrition plan for getting to my half-marathon on May 20th.  I have a few “ideas” I’d like to incorporate along the way, but my base is built.  I’ll continue recovering from surgery for a few more weeks – just doing the slowest of walks at this point – and be ready to roll the first week in February.  I have an 8K scheduled in March, the half marathon in May, and Warrior Dash in September.  I’m excited for another year of GROWTH – mentally and physically.

Thank you for keeping up with my story – and for your support, if you’re on my TEAM!  More to come, I’m sure J

Living My Fit Dreams!