The other day, DS and I were talking about his mile time (under 8 min), and I said to him, "Can you run the whole thing?" He said, yes. He couldn't believe that I hadn't been able to do it yet. Though he’s young (17), he said he only works out once a week at ROTC, and whatnot. And he challenged, how can I - working out HARD five days per week - NOT be able to do it. Whatever!
So, yesterday at lunch, I thought I'd at least try. My training plan said 3 x 1 mile @ 5-10K pace. So, I thought I'd at least try to run the first one. Low and behold I was able to do it (9:50). I walked for 7 minutes, then did my second one (12:35). I was pooped, but after another 7 minutes, tried for my third. I tanked about 1/2 way, and ended up walking 1/4 mile - but kicked it out for the last 1/4 - for 13:58. Not terribly fantastic, but better than my 14:45 normal walking pace.
Got back to my desk & looked at Facebook - someone had posted a picture that says, "Whether it is a 14 minute mile or a 7 minute mile, it is still a mile." Darned right!
I've been doing great endurance-wise. I'm up to 9 miles this Saturday. Even if my 1/2 marathon was this week - I know I could do the whole distance, and even in the time limit (4 hrs). Truly, at this point, I even believe that I could do a marathon!
So, after my amazing RUN, I still had to go to my first night of "Tri with Karen." I wasn't sure what to expect - all the sheet said was "easy group ride to Prairie Tavern." Not having a bike rack yet, though - I knew I'd have to ride to the studio and back - not a big deal, as it's three flat miles each way.
Well, I got to the studio, and besides Karen and Elba (the owners), there were only two other gals - both my age-ish. One gal did this program last year, and admitted that on the first ride last year she'd had to push her bike up the bike-path hill. (I already knew I could handle the hill, albeit slowly.) The other gal hasn't done anything like this before, either. There will be a third gal joining us some weeks, but she isn't going to do the event - she's just using the program for her workouts. So, all in all, a well-matched group for me, I think!
On the way out, I did well at keeping pace with the group. The hill was a bugger, but no harder for me than anything else. At the tavern (outside, not in – LOL!), we stopped for a breather, water, etc. I struggled a bit more with the hill (it's shorter/steeper on the return) and fell to the back of the group - but still felt good about my pace. I ended up riding 12.5 miles total.
Anyway - it was so great to have finished my first brick day! (“Brick” is a fancy way of saying “I did TWO workouts today.”) My knees are talking today, but I have an easy three-mile day - which I'm going to walk - and a massage tonight. (Another lie weeded out…I’m WORTH the time & expense for acupuncture & massage as it keeps me moving!)